

Well this should be fun, getting to know me. Hah. So there’s not much to know except at the same time there is just so much to know. We all know that talking about ourselves is awkward and strange and at the time we never know what to say, this is one of those times so please bear with my while I do the best that I can.

I’m 28 years young, unless you were to ask a child then I’m basically a dinosaur. I have a son, I like to think that he’s pretty great. There’s the basics. Now the nitty gritty, I’m a very passionate person especially when it comes to writing. My writing means the world to me, it may be a little dark for some but that’s something you need to come to terms with, I can’t change the things that I’ve said, seen, done or felt. My poems illustrate all of those things, you will find no falsities here. Brutal honesty is a thing that I like to live by. I’ve been writing poetry since I was about 12 and friends were very receptive, always looking for more.

I don’t write for anyone but myself, it’s great to know that I can touch someones life through my words, it’s something that I’ve always wanted. I do EternityEndz for myself, 2017 brought many hardships my way in the form of a miscarriage and the loss of my grandfather within a 6 month period, EternityEndz helps me cope with the grief that I feel over the losses and also the guilt of not being there enough. It’s heavy, it’s raw, it hurts, but I am strong. Stronger than anyone could ever imagine to look at me but I am.

So without too much detail that is me, Amanda. I hope you read, I hope you enjoy. I don’t do this for likes or comments, they are appreciated. I do this to better myself and maybe help someone else understand what they’re going through, help someone to realize that they’re not alone.